Tutorial on Creating a Simple Smart Contract

26 giu 2023 2 min di lettura
Tutorial on Creating a Simple Smart Contract
Indice dei contenuti


In this tutorial, we will create a simple smart contract that represents a single token. The token will have a name, a ticker symbol and a total supply. We will also create a feature that allows users to transfer tokens to each other.


  • You will need to have a basic understanding of Solidity, the programming language used to write smart contracts.
  • You will need to have a text editor or IDE that supports Solidity.
  • You will need a web3 wallet, such as MetaMask.

Creation of the Smart Contract

We'll start by creating a new file called token.sol. This file will contain the code for our smart contract.

Code snippet

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 contract Token {

 string public name;
 string public symbol;
 uint256 public totalSupply;

 constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint256 _totalSupply) {
 name = _name;
 symbol = _symbol;
 totalSupply = _totalSupply;

 function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public {
 require(amount <= balanceOf(msg.sender));


Use the code with caution.

This code defines a simple smart contract with three functions:

  • constructor(): This function is called when the contract is deployed. Initialize the token name, symbol, and total supply.
  • transfer(): This function allows users to transfer tokens to each other.
  • balanceOf(): This function returns the token balance for a given address.

Deployment of the Smart Contract

Once the smart contract is created, we need to deploy it on the blockchain. We can do this using a web3 wallet, like MetaMask.

  1. Open MetaMask and connect to the Ethereum network.
  2. Go to the "Contracts" tab.
  3. Click on the "Create" button.
  4. Paste the code from the token.sol file into the "Contract Source Code" field.
  5. Click the "Distribute" button.

The smart contract will be deployed to the blockchain and you will be able to see its address in the "Contract Address" field.

Using the smart contract

Now that the smart contract has been implemented, we can use it to transfer tokens to each other.

  1. In MetaMask, go to the "Account" tab.
  2. Click on the smart contract address.
  3. Click the "Transfer" button.
  4. Enter the recipient's address and the amount of tokens you wish to transfer.
  5. Click the "Transfer" button.

The tokens will be transferred to the recipient's address.


In this tutorial, we have created a simple smart contract that represents a single token. We also implemented the smart contract on the blockchain and used it to transfer tokens to each other.

I hope this tutorial was helpful. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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