Tutorial: Introduction to Javascript

14 lug 2023 3 min di lettura
Tutorial: Introduction to Javascript
Indice dei contenuti


This tutorial will walk you through the fundamentals of JavaScript, a programming language widely used for web development. You will learn the fundamentals of programming and discover how to use JavaScript to manipulate HTML elements, handle events and create dynamic interactions on your website.

Step 1: Preparing the development environment

Before you start coding JavaScript, make sure you have a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) set up on your computer. Some of the popular text editors and IDEs for JavaScript development include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom. Choose the one that is most familiar to you or try different options to find the one you like best.

Step 2: Add JavaScript to an HTML page

To use JavaScript in a web page, you can embed the code inside <script></script> tags. You can place this tag inside the <head> element or at the end of the <body> element of your HTML page. For example, here's how you can include JavaScript inside a <script> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Il mio primo sito JavaScript</title>
 //Il tuo codice JavaScript va qui
 <h1>Benvenuto nel mio sito JavaScript!</h1>

Step 3: Output text to console

One of the first things you can do with JavaScript is display text on your browser console. The console is a development tool that allows you to view messages and warnings as you run code. You can use the console.log() function to print text to the console.

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Il mio primo sito JavaScript</title>
 console.log("Ciao, mondo!");
 <h1>Benvenuto nel mio sito JavaScript!</h1>

Open your HTML page in your browser and open the developer tools console. You will see the message "Hello, world!" printed on the console.

Step 4: Manipulating HTML elements

JavaScript can be used to manipulate HTML elements. You can select an element using the document.querySelector() function, then you can edit its attributes or contents. For example, you can change the text of an <h1> element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Il mio primo sito JavaScript</title>
 //Seleziona l'elemento <h1>
 var titolo = document.querySelector("h1");

 //Modifica il testo dell'elemento <h1>
 titolo.textContent = "Benvenuto nel mio sito JavaScript!";
 <h1>Ciao, mondo!</h1>

In the example above, the <h1> element is selected using document.querySelector("h1") and its text is changed using titolo.textContent = "Benvenuto nel mio sito JavaScript!". When you load the page, the text of the <h1> element will change accordingly.

Step 5: Event management

JavaScript can also be used to handle events, such as a button click. You can attach a JavaScript function to an event using the addEventListener() method on an element. For example, you can have a message appear when the user clicks a button.

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Il mio primo sito JavaScript</title>
 function mostraMessaggio() {
 alert("Hai fatto clic sul pulsante!");
 <h1>Benvenuto nel mio sito JavaScript!</h1>
 <button onclick="mostraMessaggio()">Fai clic qui</button>

In the example above, the mostraMessaggio() function is called when the user clicks the button. The function displays an alert message using alert("Hai fatto clic sul pulsante!"). You can customize the function according to your needs to perform other actions.


Congratulations! You have completed this introductory JavaScript tutorial. You learned how to include JavaScript in an HTML page, how to display text on the console, how to manipulate HTML elements, and how to handle events. These are just your first steps into the world of JavaScript, but they've given you a solid foundation to start creating dynamic interactions on your website. Explore the power of JavaScript further and keep practicing to improve your skills. Happy coding!

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