Tutorial Best CEX Exchanges of 2023

26 giu 2023 1 min di lettura
Tutorial Best CEX Exchanges of 2023
Indice dei contenuti

In the landscape of cryptocurrencies, exchange platforms play a fundamental role. These platforms allow users to buy, sell or trade cryptocurrencies with each other. There are two main types of trading platforms: centralized trading platforms (CEX) and decentralized trading platforms (DEX). In this article, we will look at some of the best centralized and decentralized exchange platforms in 2023.

Centralized Exchange Platforms (CEX):

Binance Exchange

  • Website: binance.com
  • Country: Global
  • Currency: All currencies
  • Fees: 0.1%
  • Cryptocurrencies available: over 150 cryptocurrencies​​.

Coinbase Exchange

  • Website: www.coinbase.com
  • Country: United States
  • Currency: USD
  • Fees: Variable
  • Available cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum and 28+ other cryptocurrencies.

Gemini Exchange

  • Website: gemini.com
  • Country: United States
  • Currency: USD
  • Commissions: 1%
  • Available cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Zcash​.

Decentralized Exchange Platforms (DEX):


  • Commissions: 0.3%
  • Availability: Worldwide
  • Supported Blockchains: Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo​.


  • Fees: Variable
  • Availability: Outside the United States
  • Supported Blockchains: Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Avalanche, Fantom, Arbitrum, Optimism​.

CoW Swaps

  • Commissions: Variable, free limit orders
  • Availability: Worldwide
  • Supported Blockchains: Ethereum, Gnosis​​.

Firebird Finance

  • Fees: Variable
  • Availability: Worldwide
  • Supported Blockchains: Ethereum, Fantom, Cronos, BSC, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism, Canto​.


  • Fees: Variable
  • Availability: Worldwide
  • Supported Blockchains: 20 in total, including Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum, Polygon, Solana, Tron.


  • Fees: Variable
  • Availability: Outside the United States
  • Supported Blockchains: Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Gnosis, Avalanche, Fantom, Klaytn, Aurora​.


As for a comprehensive guide on how to use each of these exchanges, the best approach would be to check their official websites or the tutorials provided by the platforms themselves as they often offer detailed guides and customer support for their users.

Keep in mind that choosing a specific exchange should be based on various factors, including the specific cryptocurrencies you wish to trade, fees, geo-restrictions, and personal preferences regarding centralized versus decentralized exchanges. Always perform due diligence before using a particular platform.

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