Step by step guide to installing Clang on CentOS and Fedora

13 feb 2024 3 min di lettura
Step by step guide to installing Clang on CentOS and Fedora
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In software development, your choice of tools can significantly impact productivity, code quality, and compatibility. Clang, the compiler front end for the C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ programming languages, is renowned for its excellent diagnostics, modularity, and speed. If you are a developer working on CentOS or Fedora, installing Clang can improve your development experience. This guide walks you through the installation process, ensuring you can start using Clang's powerful features in no time.

Introduction to Clang

Clang is part of the LLVM project, designed to offer a modern approach to compilation, providing a more user-friendly interface, faster compilation times, and support for the latest C++ standards. Its integration with development environments and its ability to generate informative error messages make it an excellent choice for developers looking for an efficient and effective compiler.


Before installing Clang, make sure your system meets the following requirements:

  • A running instance of CentOS (7, 8, or 9) or Fedora (any recent version).
  • Sudo or root access to run installation commands.
  • Internet connection to download the necessary packages.

Step 1: Installing Clang

For CentOS/RHEL 9/8:

CentOS 9/88 users have direct access to Clang packages without the need for third-party repositories. To install Clang, use the dnf package manager instead of yum. Run the following command:

sudo dnf install clang

This command installs the latest version of Clang available for CentOS 9/8, including all required dependencies.

For Fedora:

Fedora users can install Clang directly from the default repositories without any additional configuration. Use the dnf package manager to install Clang by running:

sudo dnf install clang

This command ensures that the latest version of Clang available in the Fedora repositories is installed along with its dependencies.

For CentOS 7 and earlier:

Enable the EPEL repository: Before installing Clang, CentOS 7 users must enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. This step is critical as it allows access to a wider range of packages not available in the default repositories.

To enable the EPEL repository, run the following command in terminal:

sudo yum install epel-release

Install Clang: Once the EPEL repository is enabled, you can install Clang using the yum package manager. Run the following command:

sudo yum install clang

This will install Clang along with all the necessary dependencies.

Step 2: Verify your installation

After installation, verify that Clang is installed correctly by checking its version:

clang --version

This command should display the installed version of Clang, along with other details such as the target architecture and LLVM version.

Step 3: Configuring Clang (Optional)

While Clang works out of the box, you may want to configure it further to suit your development needs. This can include setting up Clang as the default compiler, integrating with your IDE, or setting up additional Clang tools like Clang-Format for code formatting and Clang-Tidy for static analysis.

Step 4: Test Clang

To ensure that Clang works as expected, you can fill in a simple "Hello, World!" message. plan. Create a file named hello.c with the following contents:


 int main() {
 printf("Hello, World!\n");
 return 0;

Compile the program using Clang:

clang hello.c -o hello

Run the compiled program:


If everything is set up correctly, you should see "Hello, World!" printed on the terminal.


Installing Clang on CentOS and Fedora is a simple process that can bring significant benefits to your development workflow. With Clang installed, you are now able to take advantage of its powerful features, such as improved compile times and better error diagnostics. Whether you're working on large-scale enterprise applications or smaller projects, Clang is an excellent choice for modern C/C++ development.

Remember, staying up to date with the latest version of Clang ensures that you have access to the latest features and optimizations. Happy programming!

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