Master MetaSlider: Create Stunning Website Slideshows

30 giu 2023 3 min di lettura
Master MetaSlider: Create Stunning Website Slideshows
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In today's digital age, having an engaging and visually appealing website is essential. One way to achieve this is by incorporating stunning slideshows into your website. MetaSlider is a powerful plugin that allows you to create beautiful website slideshows with ease. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use MetaSlider to create stunning website slideshows.


Before we get started, let's first install MetaSlider. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Go to "Plugins" > "Add New"
  3. Search for "MetaSlider"
  4. Click on "Install Now" next to the MetaSlider plugin
  5. Once installed, click on "Activate"

Once MetaSlider is activated, you're ready to start creating stunning slideshows for your website.

Creating a New Slideshow

To create a new slideshow, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "MetaSlider" in your WordPress dashboard
  2. Click on "Add New"
  3. Select the type of slideshow you want to create (e.g., "Flex Slider", "Nivo Slider", "Responsive Slider", etc.)
  4. Click on "Create Slider"

Once the slideshow is created, you'll be redirected to the slideshow settings page. Here, you can customize the appearance, transitions, and other settings of your slideshow.

Adding Slides to the Slideshow

Now that you have created a new slideshow, it's time to add slides to it. MetaSlider offers multiple ways to add slides:

  1. Media Library: You can select images or videos from your WordPress media library.
  2. Upload Files: You can upload files directly from your computer.
  3. URL: You can enter the URL of an image or video hosted elsewhere.
  4. WordPress Post: You can select images or videos from your WordPress posts.
  5. WooCommerce: If you have WooCommerce installed, you can add products as slides.

To add slides, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Slides" tab on the slideshow settings page
  2. Click on "Add Slide"
  3. Select the desired slide type
  4. Choose the slide content based on the slide type (e.g., select an image from the media library, upload a file, etc.)
  5. Configure any additional settings for the slide (e.g., caption, link, alt text, etc.)
  6. Click on "Add Slide" to add the slide to the slideshow

Repeat the above steps to add more slides to your slideshow. You can rearrange the order of the slides using drag and drop.

Customizing the Slideshow

MetaSlider offers a wide range of customization options to make your slideshow visually appealing:

  1. Slide Transition: You can choose from various transition effects to apply between slides.
  2. Slide Duration: You can set the duration for each slide to display.
  3. Navigation Arrows: You can show or hide navigation arrows for navigating between slides.
  4. Navigation Dots: You can show or hide navigation dots for indicating the current slide.
  5. Autoplay: You can enable or disable autoplay for the slideshow.
  6. Thumbnail Navigation: You can enable or disable thumbnail navigation for the slideshow.

To customize the slideshow settings, navigate to the "Settings" tab on the slideshow settings page. Here, you can configure various settings to suit your requirements.

Embedding the Slideshow

Once you have created and customized your slideshow, it's time to embed it on your website. MetaSlider provides several ways to embed the slideshow:

  1. Shortcode: You can use the shortcode provided by MetaSlider to embed the slideshow into posts, pages, or widgets.
  2. PHP Function: You can use the PHP function provided by MetaSlider to embed the slideshow into your theme files.
  3. Widget: You can use the MetaSlider widget to display the slideshow in widget areas.

To embed the slideshow using the shortcode, copy the shortcode provided on the slideshow settings page and paste it into the desired location on your website.


MetaSlider is a powerful plugin that allows you to create stunning website slideshows effortlessly. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create, customize, and embed visually appealing slideshows into your website. So go ahead, give MetaSlider a try, and take your website to the next level.

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