Introduction to LibreOffice Writer on Linux

13 set 2023 1 min di lettura
Introduction to LibreOffice Writer on Linux


LibreOffice Writer is free, open-source word processing software, part of the LibreOffice suite. It is a valid alternative to Microsoft Word and offers a wide range of tools for creating documents, from the simple letter to the complex document with images, tables and graphs. In this tutorial, we will focus on using Writer on Linux.


Most Linux distributions offer LibreOffice in their official repositories. To install it on Ubuntu, for example, you can use the following command:

sudo apt-get install libreoffice

User interface

Writer's interface is similar to that of other word processors:

  • Toolbar: Contains icons for functions such as saving, printing, text formatting, and inserting objects.
  • Pages pane: Shows a thumbnail view of the document's pages.
  • Workspace: where you actually write and edit your document.

Creating a New Document

To start a new document:

  1. Start LibreOffice Writer.
  2. Go to File > Nuovo > Documento di testo.

Text Formatting

With Writer, you can easily format your text:

  • Bold: Select the text and click the B icon in the toolbar.
  • Italics: Select the text and click on the I icon.
  • Underline: Select the text and click the U icon.
  • Text color: Select the text, then click the paint bucket icon and choose a color.

Insert Images and Tables

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the image or table.
  2. Go to Inserisci > Immagine or Tabella.
  3. Navigate and select the desired file or define the table size.

Example of creating a header:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the document.
  2. Go to Inserisci > Intestazione > Predefinito.
  3. Type the title of your document in the header.
  4. Format as desired, such as centering the text and increasing the font size.


LibreOffice Writer is a powerful and versatile tool for word processing on Linux. Whether you're writing a letter, a report, or a book, Writer has the tools to help you create a professional document. With an active community and regular updates, it's an excellent choice for those looking for an open-source alternative to commercial software.

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