How to use the locate command on Linux

4 set 2024 2 min di lettura
How to use the locate command on Linux
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The locate command on Linux is a powerful tool for finding files and directories on your system. Unlike other commands such as find, locate is significantly faster because it uses a pre-indexed database that is updated periodically. This tutorial will walk you through installing, configuring, and using locate to improve your file management efficiency on Linux.

Installing locate

Before you can use locate, you need to make sure it is installed on your system. Most Linux distributions include locate in their official repository. Here's how to install it:

On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mlocate

About Fedora:

sudo dnf install mlocate

On Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S mlocate

Database update

After installation, the database used by locate must be updated. This is essential to ensure that the results returned are accurate. Run the following command to update the database:

sudo updatedb

Using locate

Now that locate is installed and the database is up to date, you can start using it to find files and directories. Here are some basic examples:

Find a file by name

To find all files with the name "example.txt", use:

locate example.txt

Find all files in a specific directory

If you want to limit the search to a specific directory, such as /home/user/Documents, you can use:

locate /home/user/Documents/example.txt

Using regular expressions

locate also supports regular expressions for more advanced searches. For example, to find all files that start with "report" and have a ".txt" extension, use:

locate 'report*.txt'

Advanced configuration

Customize database update

The updatedb command is usually run automatically via cron. If you want to customize the update frequency, you can edit the cron configuration file. For example, to update the database every day at 2:00 AM, edit the /etc/crontab file by adding:

0 2 * * * root updatedb

Exclude directories from indexing

If there are directories that you do not want to include in the locate database, you can configure updatedb to exclude them. Edit the /etc/updatedb.conf file and add the directories to the PRUNEPATHS section.


The locate command is an essential tool for any Linux user who wants to speed up file and directory searches. With its ability to use a pre-indexed database, locate provides fast and accurate results. By following this tutorial, you have learned how to install, configure, and use locate effectively. Now you are ready to simplify your file management on Linux.

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