How to use Audacity on MacOS

13 set 2023 1 min di lettura
How to use Audacity on MacOS
Indice dei contenuti


Audacity is free and open-source software dedicated to audio recording and editing. Available for several platforms, including MacOS, it offers a wide range of tools that make it ideal for both beginners and advanced users. In this tutorial, we will explore the basic features of Audacity on MacOS.


First of all, download the latest version of Audacity from the official website and follow the installation instructions on MacOS.

User interface

When you open Audacity, you will be faced with an intuitive interface:

  • Toolbar: Contains icons for functions such as play, pause, stop, and record.
  • Audio Tracks: Each recording or imported file will appear as a new audio track.
  • Effects bar: Here you can add effects such as echo, amplification and noise reduction.

Audio Recording

To start a new recording:

  1. Make sure your microphone is connected and recognized by Audacity.
  2. Click the record icon in the toolbar.
  3. Speak or play the instrument you want to record.
  4. Click stop when you're done.

Edit Audio

With Audacity, you can easily cut, copy, paste or merge audio parts:

  • Cut: Select the audio part you want to remove and press Cmd + X
  • Copy: Select the audio part, then Cmd + C
  • Paste: Place the cursor where you want and press Cmd + V

Add Effects

Audacity offers a wide range of effects:

  1. Select the audio part you want to apply the effect to.
  2. Go to the "Effects" menu and choose the desired effect, such as "Amplify" or "Noise Reduction".

Example code for exporting to MP3 format:

Although Audacity is not code-based, to export to MP3 format you may need the LAME library. Once installed, you can export your projects to MP3 through the "File" > "Export" > "Export as MP3" menu.


Audacity is a powerful and flexible tool for audio editing on MacOS. Whether you're a podcaster, a musician, or just an audio enthusiast, Audacity has something to offer. Happy editing!

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