How to set up email notifications for Django error reporting

26 set 2023 2 min di lettura
How to set up email notifications for Django error reporting
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Django, the powerful web framework for perfectionists with deadlines, is renowned for its comprehensive suite of built-in tools and features. One of its lesser-known, but incredibly useful features is the ability to send email notifications when an error occurs. This feature can be invaluable to developers and administrators, ensuring that they are immediately notified of any issues that may arise. In this guide we'll walk you through setting up email notifications for Django error reporting.


Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • A working Django project
  • Accessing an SMTP server (e.g. Gmail, SendGrid, Amazon SES, etc.)

Update Django settings

Your file is where the magic happens. Update your with the following configurations:

# Email backend setup
 EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'

 # SMTP settings
 EMAIL_PORT = 587 # Typical for TLS
 EMAIL_HOST_USER = '[email protected]'
 EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your-email-password'

Replace the placeholders (, [email protected], etc.) with your actual SMTP details.

Configure error reporting

Django allows you to specify who should receive error reports via the ADMINS setting.

ADMINS = [('Your Name', '[email protected]')]

When DEBUG is False, Django will send error reports to the email addresses listed in ADMINS.

Optimization of error reporting

Django provides a couple of settings to filter and customize error reports:

  • ERRORS_EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX - You can use this setting to define a prefix for error email subjects, making them easier to locate. By default, it is set to "[Django]".
  • SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS - If set to True, Django will also send emails for broken links (404 errors). This is especially useful for spotting broken links on your live site.

Test your setup

To ensure that your configuration is correct and that you can receive error emails, you can manually raise an exception in one of your views:

def some_view(request):
 raise Exception("This is a test error.")

Visit the view in your browser. If you have everything set up correctly and your DEBUG is set to False, you should receive an email informing you of the error.

Security Considerations

  • Never commit sensitive data: Make sure you never commit sensitive data like email passwords to version control. Use environment variables or Django's secrets module to manage that data.
  • Rate limiting: Frequent errors can flood your inbox. It is helpful to have mechanisms to limit the number of error emails in a given time frame.


Setting up email notifications for error reporting in Django can be done in a few simple steps. It's a feature that provides immediate insight into the health of your application, allowing you to quickly address any unexpected issues. With the added layer of email notifications, you can ensure your Django applications run smoothly and remain free of critical errors.

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