How to easily find the IP address of a Docker container

1 lug 2024 1 min di lettura
How to easily find the IP address of a Docker container
Indice dei contenuti


When working with Docker containers, you may need to know the IP address of a specific container. This can be useful for debugging, networking, or connecting to services running inside the container. This guide will show you how to easily find the IP address of a Docker container using simple commands.

Because you may need the IP address

There are several reasons why you might need to find the IP address of a Docker container:

  • Connecting to Services: Access services running inside your container from your host or other containers.
  • Network: Set network configurations or troubleshoot network problems.
  • Debugging: Investigate connectivity issues or monitor traffic.

However, be careful when exposing container IP addresses to avoid security risks. Use appropriate security measures to protect your network and data.

Steps to find IP address

Follow these simple steps to find the IP address of a Docker container:

Step 1: List your Docker containers

First, list all the running Docker containers to find the container ID or name:

docker ps

Step 2: Inspect the container

Use the docker inspect command followed by the container ID or name to get detailed information about the container. Replace container_id with the actual ID or name of your container:

docker inspect container_id

This command returns a lot of information in JSON format. Look for the NetworkSettings section.

Step 3: Extract the IP address

Inside the output, find the IP address in NetworkSettings -> IPAddress. You can also use grep to filter the output and find the IP address more easily:

docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_id

This command directly extracts and displays the IP address of the specified container.


Finding the IP address of a Docker container is a simple process that can be done with a few simple commands. By following this guide, you can quickly access the information you need to connect and manage your Docker containers effectively. Always remember to manage IP addresses securely to protect your network and data.

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