Creating, Editing and Optimizing Images with GIMP on MX Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

10 ott 2023 1 min di lettura
Creating, Editing and Optimizing Images with GIMP on MX Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide
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GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a powerful open source image editor that offers a wide range of tools for creating, editing and optimizing images. This tutorial will walk you through how to install GIMP on MX Linux, one of the most popular Linux distributions at the moment, and how to use some of its basic and advanced features to enhance your images. By following this guide, you will be able to explore the potential of GIMP on MX Linux and improve your image manipulation skills.

Installing GIMP on MX Linux:

Open the terminal and update the Apt repositories with the command:

sudo apt update

Authenticate with your Admin user password if required.

Install GIMP with the command:

sudo apt install gimp

Installing the G'MIC Plugin in GIMP:

Start the terminal:

sudo apt update

Authenticate with your Admin user password if required.

Install the G'MIC plugin with the command:

sudo apt install gmic gimp-gmic

Exploring the Basic Features of GIMP:

Opening GIMP:

  • Launch GIMP from the applications menu or command line by typing gimp and pressing Enter.

User interface:

  • Familiarize yourself with the GIMP user interface which includes the menu bar, toolbar, image window, and layers, channels, and tracks panels.

Hiding Layers and Coloring Areas in GIMP:

  1. Open the Toolbox (Ctrl +B) and the "Layers" window (Ctrl + L).
  2. In the "Layers" window, next to each layer and layer group, there is an eye icon. Click on the icons corresponding to the layers you want to hide.
  3. Select the layer with the flat logo and from the Toolbox use the "Magic wand" (U) to select the colored part of the layer​.


GIMP is an incredibly powerful and flexible tool for image manipulation. This guide provided an overview of how to install and get started with GIMP on MX Linux, along with some useful tricks for hiding layers and coloring areas. As you become familiar with GIMP, you'll discover a wide range of tools and features that will help you create, edit, and optimize your images like a pro.

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